

The Office of Student-Athlete Academic Services is committed to the academic, personal, and professional success of all student-athletes with ongoing dedication to providing the highest quality service and support.

Academic Advising

East Carolina Academic Coordinators take an individualized, proactive approach with each student-athlete. Each semester Academic Coordinators recommend courses that consider both institution and NCAA eligibility standards while guiding student-athletes through their program of choice. Coordinators closely monitor academic progress throughout the semester and assist in the communication between student-athletes, faculty, and coaches. The Office of Student-Athlete Academic Services works hard to instill the skills and values that encourage student-athletes to take ownership of their academic experience.

Priority Registration

To better accommodate the demands of practice and travel, priority registration allows student-athletes to acquire courses at the times needed to ensure minimal conflict. Academic Coordinators work with student-athletes to develop a schedule and also facilitate the registration process each semester.

Study Hall

Study Hall is a structured time designed to aid student-athletes in their coursework. Time in study hall is objective based; meaning student-athletes create specific and measurable objectives (i.e. reading, creating note cards or outlines, completing quizzes, meeting with tutors) that must be completed at the end of each week. Study halls are supervised by qualified monitors and often the sport’s Academic Coordinator as well. During study hall, student-athletes work independently on objectives but may also use the time to meet with tutors or take advantage of tutoring labs. Specific study hall times and requirements vary from team to team to accommodate team GPA requirements and practice schedules.

Progress Reports

The Office of Student-Athlete Academic Services monitors academic progress by issuing progress reports twice a semester. Faculty submit grade updates and comments regarding student-athlete performance allowing Academic Coordinators to review and make adjustments to study habits, study hall, academic support, or behavior. Class attendance is mandatory for all student-athletes and is also noted on these reports.

Study Skills Seminars

Seminars are available for teams or individuals who may require extra training in study skills, note taking skills, or test taking skills. These seminars are offered on an as needed basis at the request of a student-athlete, academic coordinator, or coach.

Learning Specialist

The learning specialists on staff assist students with learning strategies and techniques to be successful at the collegiate level. The learning specialists are available to perform a variety of academic screenings to gain feedback on a student’s current level of performance and are also available for weekly consultations and individual work with students. The Office of Student-Athlete Academic Service’s learning specialists also serve as the liaison to the Office of Disability Support Services and assist students in requesting and utilizing university-approved accommodations.

Tutor and Mentor Program

Tutors and mentors are available to every student-athlete. Tutoring can be through our tutoring labs or through individual assignments. Tutoring labs are offered in high demand subjects during regularly scheduled time blocks. Student-athletes may sign up for open slots as needed. With individual assignments, student-athletes are assigned a tutor and the two determine the time to meet and how often. Both systems are designed to accommodate the varying tutor needs of our student-athletes. Mentors are also available and are individually assigned. Mentors help with academic skill development which includes time management, prioritization, study techniques and goal setting.

NCAA Requirement Tracking

Academic coordinators monitor the compliance of each student-athlete with the NCAA Academic Requirements for Continuing Eligibility.

Career Development

In addition to the Career Center, student development professionals are available to assist with career advising, career planning, and resume and cover letter critiques.

Study Center and Computer Labs

Student-athletes have exclusive access to the newly expanded Pat Draughon Study Center in the Ward Sports Medicine Building. This location provides open study space, group and individual meeting/study rooms, and three separate computer lab areas. Both the group and individual meeting rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art learning technologies for use in tutoring, presentations, video conferencing, etc. Wireless access for laptop use as well as printing is also available throughout the center. The center is open at 8:00 AM and into the evening hours for student-athlete use.

Travel Laptop Program

Student-athletes may borrow laptops for use during travel for competition. The Office of Student-Athlete Academic Services has wireless laptops available for check out to assist student-athletes with completing papers, assignments, and accessing Canvas while on the road.